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To me  ‘Natural Rearing’ is likened to a high quality  ‘Jewel’ to which many precisely cut facets are applied for its brilliance to shine outwardly like a fire from within.


 The “facets” of Natural Rearing are a species appropriate raw diet, vaccine-free, no chemicals on, in or around the dog and its environment, and the use of natural veterinary treatment (allopathic methods being reserved for trauma injuries, emergency, and diagnostics). Natural Rearing is about getting back to basics and the nature of how our canines were created!


Some feel there is no need to follow all of the Natural Rearing principles; that it is just as beneficial to simply feed their dog a raw food diet, or only minimally vaccinate. There is some truth to this reasoning in the sense that if one weren’t doing even those their dog would be much worse off. However, removing any one principle significantly reduces the overall and long-term beneficial effects. Each and every “facet” must be present for Natural Rearing to brilliantly shine like the beautiful jewel it is.


A feeling of responsibility as stewards of the marvelous Australian Shepherd breed, and dedication to the health and longevity of future generations runs deep within my heart as a long time Aussie owner.


As  a Natural Rearing breeder you have my word that we keep to every principle of Natural Rearing so that you may enjoy a sparkling, vital companion for many years to come!



Natural Rearing is much more than just a diet; it is a holistic approach to life. Simply put… it’s about utilizing the old time, natural ways, essentially caring for your dog as closely to nature as possible.


It’s about eliminating inappropriate and toxic substances from every area of life. Avoiding chemical assaults in the garden as well as household cleaners.


It’s about Not putting toxic substances on or in our dogs– this includes flea and tick poisons, routine worming, and over-vaccinating. In fact, Natural Rearing is better for everyone’s health, environmentally-friendly, and beneficial for wildlife, too!


Juliette de Bairacli Levy coined the phrase “Natural Rearing”.   


Around 1930, while studying to be a veterinarian, this intrepid Englishwoman began rearing her Afghan Hounds naturally- feeding raw foods, and treating disease with herbs. For decades her book “The Complete Herbal Handbook For The Dog and Cat” and the formulas therein has been a relied upon reference of owners and breeders around the world.  I first got this book 25 years ago.  It has been a guide for me ever since.


The very foundation of Natural Rearing is building a strong immune system. A dog thus fortified is better able to handle All disease from within. This is accomplished by feeding raw meaty bones and organs, fresh air, clean water, minimal stress, appropriate exercise, lots of love; using natural alternatives to chemicals/medication; supporting natural immunity so each dog has the opportunity to live a long life full of vitality; in turn passing this strength to future generations.


Natural Rearing also involves a zero or minimal vaccine protocol relying on the dogs own natural immune responses and healing ability to see it through a disease cycle instead; along with the help of holistic medical help when needed be that herbs, homeopathy, essential oils, or any other holistic modality.


 I do not vaccinate our dogs (except as compulsory by law). Science is proving that dogs given no vaccines are far stronger and resistant to disease than those who have had annual vaccinations.


Natural Rearing is not a passing fad… it is a lifestyle. Commitment to it will change your dog’s life and your view of the world. Our Toy Aussie Shepherds thrive on Natural Rearing!


We do not mean to imply that this is the only way of rearing dogs. However, we do feel it is the optimal method of feeding and rearing which raises and maintains the dogs overall good health and vitality. In turn, the dogs’ immune system can function at prime level.

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Raw Feeding

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Are vaccinations compromising the health of our dogs?

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